Daily Life

Monday Shock

Posted by Cat Ramos

What I thought to be another slow Monday turned out to be quite shocking. While I was in the middle of doing my PnLs, I received a text message from my sister, which made me panic.

Aya is quitting her job

My younger sister Aya told me she’s quitting her job in Dubai. This is actually just an extension year. She was supposed to come home this November, but the company extended her contract for another year.

She’s been complaining a lot lately about her stomach, her back, whatever. She’s been under a lot of stress since the company laid off employees. She was one of the ‘lucky’ few who still had jobs, but since they were undermanned, each remaining employee had to fill in the slack. She is not exactly the healthiest person I know. When we were growing up, I called her ‘Sickly’* — she had lots of allergies and gets sick easily. She was even one of those infected in the ‘great’ hepa outbreak at UST.

The last time she texted me, she was complaining of back ache that was two days old, and whatever I recommended did not work.

She told me she’ll just look for another job in another country. Maybe she’ll push through with the Singapore plan – at least it is nearer and she can come home anytime she wants. I just hope she’s OK. (But I’m ready to take her in in case things don’t work out.)

My tita suffered a heart attack

My Tita Evie was rushed to St. Luke’s this morning after a heart attack. She’s still young and she’s got five kids, none of whom are in college, and I don’t know what’s going to happen if she’s gone. Later in the afternoon, I received news that the angioplasty was successful. She is still under observation for her blood pressure.

I am so relieved. At the end of the day, I felt so drained. I was sick with worry but I thank God for being there with them, with my family. Ang lakas talaga ng dasal ng Kerygma Family 😀 I put my family in my prayer intentions, and I know that they prayed hard, and for this I am really, really thankful with all my heart. I love you, Kerygma Family! ♥

* Pet names for my sisters and cousins: Aya is Sickly (for obvious reasons), one cousin is ‘Choly’ for cholesterol because he is overweight, another cousin is ‘Slightly’ as in slightly gay, another cousin is ‘Linty’ because she looked like a character in ‘Sabrina the Teenage Witch’. I forgot the others; I was the only one who did not have a nickname because I made up most of them 😉

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