Day 2 – Teacher observation
As students of the Teacher Training Course, we are required to sit in Elem 1 and 2 classes to observe different teaching techniques from more experienced senseis. The first class we attended as a group is Keli-sensei’s Elem 2 morning class. I have to say...
Career blah
I officially started my new job yesterday (checks time)…on Friday, May 4th. But I already reported to the office on the 2nd and 3rd for trainings. I can’t say much about it since I am only a few days old into the job. Will post...
模擬授業 - Trial/practice class
Mojica-sensei (Edwin-sensei) told us that Kouchou-sensei (Betty-sensei) wants our class to have a 模擬授業 as soon as we finish Chapter 5 of the book. As expected, everyone was surprised with the announcement. We weren’t happy with it…we were scared! Besides, we thought it was too...
[…] have to admit that since I wrote about my experience with Saeki- sensei’s lotion mask, I was on and…