Applying for a Certificate of Good Conduct as a foreigner in Hungary
As a foreigner dealing with paperwork in Hungary, you might be required to submit a certificate of good conduct by an institution such as your employer or a bank. This is surprisingly easy to deal with, using the ügyfélkapu or client gate. First, the basics....
How to find your GP and dentist in Budapest district IX
I was at dinner with my colleague and I learned that she does not have a “family doctor” yet. Despite living in Hungary for a couple of years now. Color me shocked. Finding a general practitioner (GP) or háziorvos in Hungarian is very important. When...

February 2022 highlights
I love February. It is no longer as cold as January and we actually have signs of life coming up. For me in particular, my oxalis plants always signal the start of spring as they always sprout in this month. And for sure, this year’s...
How to get your COVID immunity card in Budapest
Update: As of the second week of May, the immunity certificate app was also released. I have not downloaded it as I am waiting for my ügyfélkapu (“client gate” in English) account to be completed. Good news! Contrary to initial news, foreigners in Hungary who...

Good jab!
Or to be quite clear, I got my COVID vaccine! I was quite excited to hear from my doctor a couple of days ago. She was scheduling me for my first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and told me to come the following morning. I...
TAJ Card Renewal Update 2021
Due to our current COVID situation, a number of changes have happened since I posted the process of renewing my TAJ card in Budapest. Starting November 2020, we can no longer go straight to the OEP office if we need to renew our TAJ cards....
So I have shingles. What a way to start the year.
On Thursday, I started to feel weak but I couldn’t explain why. I took the afternoon off from work. Then in the evening, even after a long nap and a painkiller, I still didn’t feel better and my right arm was feeling itchy in places,...

Life with plants
So it finally happened. After 4 years, I finally moved to a new flat. Of course, I enjoyed my life in my previous place but it’s big enough for only me; G and I needed a bigger space together so we had to find a...

Sew much fun! – Sewing classes at Stitch Budapest
My grandmother has this old Singer sewing machine that I never really learned how to use. It was so intimidating. In high school, we only ever “learned” about the parts of a sewing machine, and the closest thing to machine sewing that we got is...
How to renew your TAJ card in Budapest
Update (June 2021):After the general reopening of Hungary, there is no need to book appointments online. Thank you to my colleague Maria for this information! 🙂 I abhor paperwork. If I could avoid it, I would. If I could get someone to do it for...
So Budapest lifts COVID restrictions – now what?
It finally happened. On Saturday, the Hungarian government announces that it is lifting the Coronavirus lock down rules effective Monday. The below is from The rules of easing the lock down that came into effect in the countryside from May 4 will come into...
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[…] have to admit that since I wrote about my experience with Saeki- sensei’s lotion mask, I was on and…