I For You – Luna Sea

I For You – Luna Sea

From one of the very first Japanese bands I’ve grown to love, Luna Sea. This song was introduced to me a long, long time ago by my good friend and classmate, Gevy (yeah, that GLAY addict). I love the song so much and never forgot how significant the meaning is….

ねぇ 本当は誰も ねぇ愛せないと言われて
怖がりの 君と出逢い やっと その意味に気づいた
傷つくため 今 二人 出逢ったなら 悲しすぎるよ
I have been told that I could not love anyone
Finally, I realized the meaning of having met you, who are afraid
If we met each other just to get hurt, then that is too sad

心から 君に伝えたい
きっとただ 本当の君の姿を 求めて
I want to tell you from my heart
That I want to know the real you

まだ不器用に笑うね まだ悲しみが似合うから
君と出逢うためだけに そう 生まれたなら 変えられるかな
You still smile that awkward smile of  yours
Maybe because sadness fits you better
If I was born to meet you, I wonder if I could change

心から 君に伝えたい
傷つきすぎたけど まだ間に合うよ
I want to tell you from my heart
That even if we have been hurt very badly, we could still make it

心から 君を愛してる
君に降る痛みを 拭ってあげたい すべて i for you
I love you from the bottom of my heart
I want to wipe away all the pain that falls on you
Everything i for you 

心から 君に伝えたい
君の笑顔 いつも 見つめられたら
I want to tell you from my heart
If I could always look at your smiling face

心から 君を愛してる
君に降る光を 集めてあげたい すべて i for you
I love you from the bottom of my heart
I want to gather up the light raining upon you
Everything i for you

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