Friday 5 for December 24: Condiments
This meme is not very holiday, isn’t it? 😛 What’s something that demands ketchup? – French fries and fried chicken What’s the best thing to do with the leftover packets of cheese and red-pepper flakes you get with pizza delivery? – Add to pasta sauce....
Friday 5 for December 17: Excursion
Yay for Friday! 😀 I thought this day would never come — it’s been a very busy week at work, because A is not around since last week and we’re all sort of dividing the work into 4 people (including the dreaded end-of-day admin stuff). I am...
Friday Five–September 17, 2010
Aww, I missed these memes! Great topic this week 🙂 1) What is your favorite mode of travel? (Car, train, plane, etc). – By car or bus or van (window seat), because I enjoy the view. I can go on a road trip for several...
Friday 5 for March 26: Sleep
Time for my favorite meme! 😀 And it’s a theme I love too, haha. How many hours’ sleep do you need in order to be at your best, and what’s the minimum you can get on a regular basis and still be functional? – I...
Friday 5 for November 20: Book Titles
My first Friday 5 in a verrrrry long time! Each of this week’s questions is the title (modified, in a couple of cases) of a well-known book. Just, you know, do your best. What color is your parachute? – Pink, definitely. Who moved your cheese? ...
Friday 5 for March 20: Quarterly Progress Check
Quite an interesting list for Friday 5 this week! Would you say 2009 so far is meeting expectation, exceeding expectations, or failing to meet expectations? – Good thing I am meeting expectations. On some really good days, I exceed them. But generally, I’d say “meeting...
Friday 5 for March 13: It’s Cold!
I used to participate in Friday Five before, until they disappeared somehow & I didn’t know why there were no more updates in the site. Thankfully, I found them via TheDailyMeme! This is the Friday 5 installment for March 13th >> What’s your favorite frozen...
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[…] have to admit that since I wrote about my experience with Saeki- sensei’s lotion mask, I was on and…