Gackt in my dreams!!
I so didn’t want to wake up this morning. I was dreaming a very strange but beautiful dream. Gackt was in it. He visited me at my grandmother’s house (the one with the dental clinic). After that, he asked me if I was free and...
For my ‘daiji na oshiego’
Last Saturday was the last day for my PM Nihongo class. After the final exams, we had deelish pancit canton from Mushroom Burger c/o Nash-san. 24日はナシュさんの誕生日でした。I also bought pizza for everyone. As a parting gift, I taught them one of my favorite songs from my...
video of the week
this week’s videos are from l’arc~en~ciel. the first is ‘ready steady go’, the second opening theme from the hit anime ‘full metal alchemist’. the other one is ‘flower’. i was supposed to pick only one but i decided to include ‘flower’ because YOU HAVE TO...
[…] have to admit that since I wrote about my experience with Saeki- sensei’s lotion mask, I was on and…