“Drenched” series: See the Blessings
Told you I’d finish this 😀  Oh btw, in case  you haven’t heard, there will be a new Feast starting tonight 6pm, at Siena College Quezon City (yay, dyan ako nag-elementary!). Feast builder is Bro. Adrian Panganiban. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reflecting on the Word of God from...
“Restore” series: Relationship with others
Bro. Bo Sanchez talked on Reconcile: How God Restores our Relationships with Others, the thirst and last topic in the series Restore. He stressed the central point of the topic: Do not be too hard on others. See others the way God sees you. Be...
“Restore” series: Relationship with ourselves
Ack, I am waaaay behind! I can tell because of the search terms that people use in my blog. Really sorry, will finish Restore then post the next 2 series ASAP. I know you are excited for the ‘Pesonality’ series 😀 =================== Bro. Bo Sanchez...
[…] have to admit that since I wrote about my experience with Saeki- sensei’s lotion mask, I was on and…