Ack, I am waaaay behind! I can tell because of the search terms that people use in my blog. Really sorry, will finish Restore then post the next 2 series ASAP. I know you are excited for the ‘Pesonality’ series 😀

Bro. Bo Sanchez gave a moving talk that reduced people to tears, because it is about how we see ourselves as against how God sees us. Titled Redefine, the second part of the series Restored, the talk may be summed up this way: our perception of our reality determines our reality.

Bro. Bo presented a piece of paper divided into two columns — on the left side is our weaknesses and on the right side our strengths. He said we tend to see only what is wrong with us. But God sees only what is good about us because we are His creations. Bro Bo cited the example of Jesus who saw what is good in Peter, even as the latter denied the Lord three times.

Bro Bo added that there are two kinds of love: agape or divine love, and filia or human love. Peter could only give filia love for Jesus, that was good enough. Bro Bo said just as Jesus did not look at Peter’s weaknesses, we too must not focus on our frailties. Rather, let us concentrate on what is good about us — the way God sees us.


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