The baby carrot army strikes again + new recipe

I know I wrote before that I won’t be buying baby carrots ever again. But just last week, I found myself. getting another pack for my bentos. I just can’t resist those orange cuties. 😀

I remembered coming across one recipe by Rachel Ray on the Food Network website but I never got around to trying it. Earlier today, I saw a lot of variations of the recipe – I chose the easiest one 😀 Also, Rachel Ray’s recipe used salt (I think) and I’m trying to cut back on sodium. In the recipe I used, the salt is omitted and the butter will compensate for that.

Honey-glazed baby carrots

You will need:

– 1/2 pack of baby carrots (1 pack is 1 pound)
– 2 tablespoons butter
– 2 tablespoons honey
– 1/8 cup water


1. In a saucepan, put the carrots, water and 1 tablespoon of butter and boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
2. Let the liquid reduce.
3. Put in the honey and remaining butter. Toss well to coat and remove from heat.
Easy! Also, you may opt to reduce the amount of honey if you think it’s too sweet. I only used a drizzle for a hint of sweetness. This goes well with anything grilled or roasted — like rotisserie chicken! 😛
The brand of carrots I got this time was Grimmway — I like the Bolthouse ones better because they are more uniform in size unlike the Grimmway carrots (picture below). Some are stubbier than the others 😀
Whatever brand, baby carrots will be forever part of my bento staples not only because of the convenience (I don’t have to peel and cut up the carrots), but also because of the nutrient and aesthetic (read: cuteness) factors.
Honey glazed baby carrots – YUM!

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