ritchelle, corrie-sensei and racs
昨夜リッチェルからメッセジをもらった。彼女はボイフレンドができたと言った。彼女より10年年上だそうだ。私はびっくりした!!私はまじ??誰?いつ会ったの?どこに会ったの?と聞くとリッチェルはバカ!それは冗談だよと答えた。was i relieved…i really thought it was true. you owe me one, ritch! don’t worry, i will collect! nyahaha! but really, i would rather have a guy 10 years older than 10 years younger. the latter is just like having a younger brother, eww.
i also got a message from sensei last night. gigi-san told me to ask her if we could visit her after class on saturday. well, she said she might go with her mom to the heart center and we could meet somewhere in the area. she still has to confirm her plans. i really hope to see her soon. i missed her so much and i am beginning to wonder how much she has changed since we last saw each other in september in tokyo.
i sent another message, this time to racs, and i found out that she has stones in her ureter. i wondered if too much overtime is taking its toll on her. she works ways past regular working hours and also comes to the office even on saturdays. she used to go to work even on sundays but thankfully, the big bosses decided that it was stupid to deprive their employees the much needed weekend rest.
yesterday, to get rid of my depression, i did a search on all gackt-related quizzes on quizilla and i answered the most interesting ones. i was quite happy with my results, especially with the “Which J-Rock Male Should Suit You”. well, of course, if it wasn’t gackt, i will retake the quiz again and again until i get the result i want!
should suit you!
Which JROCK male should suit
to you by Quizilla