30 Simple Things You Can Do This Year

According to Bro. Bo Sanchez 🙂 In his Soulfood email, he listed only 28 but he has 30 items in the Feast newsletter. Of course, I will do my best to do everything in this list 😉

1.        Laugh with inspiring friends at least once a week or more – check
2.        Have Mentors in the most important areas of your life – I have a partial list already. Spiritual – 2
Financial – 2
Family and Relationships – 1 male, and I am looking for a female mentor Career – 1.5 ~ That .5 is a person I am not quite sure of. I sure would love to have her as a mentor, but I have a complicated relationship with her. I see her everyday and talk to her everyday, and sometimes I feel she doesn’t ‘want’ to be a mentor. That’s just a feeling, though. I am not sure, so for now, she’ll be .5. Haha.
I am just looking for mentors for health and fitness.
3.        Walk 30 minutes a day – Hmm…I suppose I can do this.
4.        Use your talents for God by serving in a ministry – I have 2 particular ministries in mind already.
5.        Invest 20% of your income every month – check
6.        Read one inspiring book a month – check
7.        Cut TV watching to the barest minimum (Zero is a good number) – My barest minimum is once a week, when I am ironing my clothes. But for the rest of the week, I don’t watch TV.
8.        Limit newspaper reading to 5 minutes or less a day – I stopped reading the papers a looong time ago. I get my news from…The Professional Heckler 😀
9.        Take vacations often – check
10.    Eat fruits for breakfast – ah well, I guess  I need to work on this
11.    Always have a salad for lunch and dinner – This one, I am not really sure. But I do eat veggies regularly (just not in salads)
12.    Start a business (or improve your business) this year – Yep, plans underway
13.    Always be grateful to God and others – check
14.    Always live by your deepest values – check
15.    Spend time with God everyday – check
16.    Play with your kids at least once a day (If you don’t have any, borrow.) – Aww, cute!
17.    Have a weekly date with your spouse (If you don’t have any, don’t borrow!) – Haha, may ganun??
18.    Date your parents regularly – This one I do separately 😛
19.    Before you sleep, remove all anger by forgiveness – check
20.    Be the kindest person you can be – work in progress 😛
21.    Find your passion and live it fully – partially in effect
22.    Give more hugs (and receive as many) – I never thought I’d do this, but I’ve started giving hugs to strangers when I joined the Feast 😛
23.    Listen to understand, not to reply – *toink*
24.    Celebrate more often – check
25.    Put people over projects – Aha, I knew it!
26.    Enjoy quiet and solitude – About 50% of my time 😉
27.    Always give 10% of your income to God – check
28.    Keep dreaming – Daydream believer
The last 2 items that were in the newsletter:
29.  Make the weekly Feast a top priority – yay! When my sister comes home, I’d drag her to the Feast too.
30. Join a Caring Group and grow! – Today, ‘Sunshine’ just officially sold me to one Caring Group leader at PICC. So I guess I am now a member of a CG, whether I like it or not. Actually, she’s been bugging me to join her CG at Valle Verde. But I told her I am not very comfortable — sa itsura kong ito, mahiyain ako talaga. Hehe. Sounds strange but it’s true. I cannot immediately ‘gel’ with new people, and it takes me quite some time to be comfortable around them.
In a Caring Group, people sit together, read the Bible and share experiences and reflections. I know a CG is a great thing and maybe I just have to overcome that shyness so I can grow together with my new CG friends.
Pero sana…wag muna magtext yung CG leader ko >_<

TrulyRichClub.com – Do You Want to Gain Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time?

GodWhispersClub.com – Get A Megadose of Blessing. And Take Your Life To A New Direction.

FamilyReborn.com – How To Increase The Love In Your Family And Prevent Them From Drifting Apart

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