Blast from the past: My old website

Found my old website! I just remembered that before I had my own URL, I used, which housed my Angelfire account. That time, I was so into learning HTML and designing my own website so I painstakingly coded parts of the website week after week.

Obviously, I never got around to coding it to completion because Blogspot (and WordPress) eventually beckoned to me. 🙂

Here is the link to my old site:

I was going through some of the pages and the Links Page is so outdated now. Most of those websites are no longer up. I was hoping at least Corrie-sensei’s page is still getting updated.

Then there is the Kenshuu 2003 link, which I planned as a trip diary about my 2003 Study Tour in Japan. I never got around to finishing that either. (Gawd, reading the first 2 days made me dizzy. I didn’t realize I was so “chatty” when I write).

Some of the things I wrote, and some of the things I liked back then are a little cringe worthy now. But I am having a laugh reading all my old stuff 😛

10 Things My Friends Probably Did Not Know About Me

  • I was a premature baby, born only after 7 months inside my mother’s womb.

  • When I was a kid, my first ambition was to be an altar boy…OK, you can stop laughing now.

  • Ralph Macchio a.k.a the Karate Kid was my first ever crush!

  • I don’t know how to ride a bike…..I said, stop laughing!!

  • I desperately want to meet Pope John Paul II.  I want to receive his blessings, and I want to talk to him, even for just 5 minutes.  The closest I got to him was during World Youth Day 1995, when he went to visit my university.  I was standing a good 100 feet away from him but I can feel the energy radiating from him!

  • My favorite fictional family is the Weasley family!  Sometimes I wish I was a Weasley family member.  I can always dye my hair red, right?

  • I drink Yakult everyday!  You should try it; it’s good for your tummy.  Another favorite drink is CC Lemon, which you can get from vending machines everywhere in Japan.  Drink it because “it contains 70 lemons’ Vitamin C!”

  • I wanted to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity so badly….maybe someday.

  • When I was a university student, I wanted to become the president of the country.  But after the experience of working in a government office, I changed my mind.  It’s a very difficult job, I tell you.  That being the case, I really do not favor actors running for such positions in government.  

  • I do not watch beauty pageants AND soap operas…they are just a waste of my time. 

My old website at Angelfire

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