This bit of news jolted me awake…Fukiishi Kazue is Masha’s girlfriend?? If this was true, I cannot imagine how hard it is for them to keep the relationship. Masha has got a serious reputation to protect as Japan’s most eligible bachelor. Remember the girls who killed themselves when Kimura Takuya got hitched? What if something worse happens when it’s Masha’s turn??

He’ll be turning 43 in a few days and I won’t be surprised if he already wants to settle down. Still, the huge effect of that on his career. Gosh.

I probably won’t commit suicide when he does get married (I am not that kind of a fangirl) — I will be depressed for about a week then I’d be over it 😛 Toink!


Fukiishi Kazue spotted at Fukuyama Masaharu’s apartment, Amuse blocking reports?

On Thursday, January 26th, some rumors surfaced that the notorious weekly pictorial magazine ‘FRIDAY‘ was going to publish a big scoop about a possible relationship between popular singer/actor Fukuyama Masaharu and actress Fukiishi Kazue.

On the surface, it looked like it was just your ordinary rumor about a secretive relationship when this week’s issue finally went on sale on Friday, January 27th. Both agencies also denied the rumor in usual fashion. However, shortly after publication, people started to become suspicious when unlike the usual fashion, not a single newspaper nor TV station even mentioned a single word about this ‘FRIDAY’ scoop. Now, it’s being speculated that Fukuyama’s agency, Amuse, prohibited all major news outlets to feature this rumor, which would be an even more drastically controlling of the press than people are usually only used to from Johnny’s.

Of course this method immediately backfired and made even more people believe that the rumor is true, which is also favored by the fact that ‘FRIDAY’ rarely uses groundless rumors for their major story. Some netizens posted comments on 2ch such as, “Johnny’s is nothing compared to that,” “Amuse is scary,” and, “Seems like Fukuyama’s agency also is very powerful.

The actual rumor was started by a major music producer, according to ‘FRIDAY’. He said that Fukuyama and Fuiishi are in a serious relationship. The tabloid started to investigate the rumor, which eventually led to more details and even two pictures.

Fukiishi already openly announced on various occasions to be a very big fan of Fukuyama and often went to his concerts. They first met 11 years ago, when the 18-year-old Fukiishi managed to take a picture with him at her senior high school graduation. However, in December of 2011, she also was spotted going to his apartment more than a couple of times.

One day, Fukiishi left her apartment together with her rabbit, the adorable Daikichi-kun, and hopped into a taxi. After a short ten-minute ride, she got off the taxi at a quiet residential area. She was wearing very big sunglasses and continued on foot with a downcast look for another 100 meter. There she arrived at a large apartment, which of course, is the apartment of Fukuyama.

In total she was seen staying over at his apartment four times in December, including on the evening of Christmas Day. That day, she was wearing a black jacket and a big mask to conceal most of her face, when she went to look for a taxi. After boarding the taxi, she also looked through the rear window to make sure that nobody is following her. Of course they still managed to follow her to Fukuyama’s apartment, where she used a key card to open the entrance as if it already become a steady habit. However, she then was startled by a car that stopped near the apartment. It must have been a car she hasn’t seen in the vicinity before, because she suddenly took a taxi again and went back home.

The said producer commented, “Fukiishi knows that Fukuyama cares a lot about the image his fans have of him. Therefore they are always meeting at his apartment, so that he won’t ever be seen going to a woman’s apartment. The way how she seems to be very cautious about her surroundings just shows that they absolutely don’t want anyone to find out about their relationship.

Due to their secretiveness, ‘FRIDAY’ unfortunately wasn’t able to take a two shot of Fukiishi and Fukuyama.

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