Ghosts in government offices

Have you ever seen a ghost?

I have. There is a ghost in the office I used to work in. In the very same floor.

But this ghost is not the kind that can walk through walls and make the air chilly. This is a ghostly government employee, a person appearing in the government payroll but does not work for the government.

If you said “huh?” after reading that, you are lucky you have not encountered one.

If you smirked because you knew a ghost or have heard of them, well, high five!

Last year, actor-turned-politician Roderick Paulate was accused of keeping ghost employees and receiving their salaries for his personal benefit.

Roderick is just one. There are more of these “public servants” with ghosts in their payroll. Take, for example, a senator. My colleague “works” for this senator. She appears on his staff list and receives a monthly salary. Interestingly, this honorable senator is now one of the accused in the pork barrel scam. Wow.

Spineless Colleague obviously enjoys being a ghost employee. Maybe she and the senator splits her wages. Win-win. She also uses the senator’s name when applying for various visas. Of course, she would not have any difficulty because she can just show the embassies that she works for the honorable senator.

Also, senator is going to be a sponsor at her wedding. He will reportedly shell out money for her ridiculously expensive wedding gown.

Seriously. How can these scumbags sleep at night?

Normal employees like you and me — we work our asses off and the government takes our money regularly. But our hard-earned money is paying for Janet Napoles’ condos and my colleague’s wedding gown and overseas travels. It’s so sickening.

There are many more of these ghosts. They walk among us. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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