Miyazaki Aoi is the overwhelming choice; Masha is second!
The NHK Taiga drama ‘Gou: Himetachi no Sengoku’ is nearing its climax, just as filming for next year’s series ‘Taira no Kiyomori’ is well underway. Goo Ranking posted a poll on which Japanese actors and actresses were suprisingly good with their Taiga roles, and here are the results:
1. Miyazaki Aoi – 4394 votes – she so deserved the top spot!
2. Fukuyama Masaharu – 3393 – woooooh! My favourite Sakamoto Ryoma is still Eguchi Yosuke, though 😉
3. Uchino Masaaki – 1791
4. Tsumabuki Satoshi – 994
5. Ueno Juri – 838
6. Karasawa Toshiaki – 609
7. Katori Shingo – 525 — YES!!
8. Nakama Yukie – 500
9. Kamikawa Takaya – 469
10. Takizawa Hideaki – 405
11. Matsushima Nanako – 219
12. Ichikawa Shinnosuke – 135
13. Izumi Motoya – 123
PS: Hey, GACKT is missing from the list!! No way, I would have put him in too…
– Translated for and by www.japinoy.com. Please credit/link back when reposting elsewhere. Yoroshiku.
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