philippine pavilion, aichi world expo

i found this pic of the philippine pavilion at the aichi expo in nagoya, japan. despite a measly budget (sometimes, we just don’t know how to really promote our country *sigh*), it won the ‘nature’s wisdom award’ in category c. GOLD prize, mind you. it was one of the most visited too, my boyfriend told me. and guess what? it was my teacher, mojica-sensei, who helped the pcvc people come up with the translation to the theme ‘usbong: seed of life’. he suggested 芽生え (mebae) meaning, ‘bud, sprout’. it was him who painstakingly taught japanese to the people assigned at the expo. they didn’t pay him much, i heard, and he never got anything back for ‘mebae’.

aichi expoに行けなかった。楽しそうだったのに。残念!i guess i will just have to ask jimmy and miho-chan to tell me all their aichi stories…

good-bye, morizou and kikkoro!

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