the great john paul II checking his emails ^_^
i miss you, pope john paul…i know you’re very happy where you are right now and it’s more than comforting to know that.

as NBC’s stephen weeke put it: Everything about John Paul and his pontificate was super-sized, as he broke every previous papal record with his efforts in life. It’s only natural then that he should continue to go to great lengths, even in death.

couldn’t have put it any better. (this pic makes my eyes go watery. i don’t know why.)

visit this site to learn more about the campaign for the late pope’s beatification and sainthood. below is an english version of the prayer i got from the site. let us pray this always so we can help elevate our pope as the ‘blessed john paul II’.

Prayer for asking graces through the intercession of the
Servant of God, the Pope John Paul II

O Blessed Trinity
We thank You for having graced the Church
with Pope John Paul II
and for allowing the tenderness of your Fatherly care,
the glory of the cross of Christ,
and the splendor of the Holy Spirit,
to shine through him.
Trusting fully in Your infinite mercy
and in the maternal intercession of Mary,
he has given us a living image of Jesus the Good Shepherd,
and has shown us that holiness
is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life
and is the way of achieving eternal communion with you.
Grant us, by his intercession, and according to Your will,
the graces we implore,
hoping that he will soon be numbered
among your saints.

With ecclesiastical approval

the Holy Father’s Vicar General
for the Diocese of Rome

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