“Drenched” series: Grow the Blessings
In Grow the Blessings, Talk 3 in the series Drenched, Bro. Bo Sanchez emphasized that “God gives us seeds, not fruits.” Bro. Bo added that we have to grow the seeds or the blessings that God has already given us. One can either be a beggar who prays he will receive fruits, or a...
“Drenched” series: Enjoy the Blessings
I cannot believe that I only had my first onda of 2011 this week…3 months into the year. Tsk tsk…side comment lang 😀 ========================= In Talk 4: Enjoy the Blessings, the final topic in the series “Drenched”, Bro. Bo drove home the point that “The...
“Drenched” series: Grow the Blessings
In Grow the Blessings, Talk 3 in the series Drenched, Bro. Bo Sanchez emphasized that “God gives us seeds, not fruits.” Bro. Bo added that we have to grow the seeds or the blessings that God has already given us. One can either be a beggar who prays he will receive fruits, or a farmer who...
“Pesonality” series + 3rd session of the PICC Feast!
So, the Drenched series ended today with a great celebration and 2 inspirational talks, including one from an Indonesian who is planning on building 10 Feasts in his country (where 90% are Muslims). I’m sorry, I couldn’t get his name but I’m sure it will...
30 Simple Things You Can Do This Year
According to Bro. Bo Sanchez 🙂 In his Soulfood email, he listed only 28 but he has 30 items in the Feast newsletter. Of course, I will do my best to do everything in this list 😉 1. Laugh with inspiring friends at least once a...
“Restore” series: Relationship with God
I wanted to share the summaries of the talks by Bro. Bo Sanchez entitled “Restore”, his last series for 2010. I got these from the newsletter passed out to Feast attendees every Sunday and I think they are too good not to share. I hope...
The Feast PICC yearend concert: Pamaskong Handog
I haven’t had the chance to complete my blogs about the 2010 Kerygma Conference — too much stuff still on ‘Draft’ status. But I’ll definitely post them BEFORE the 2011 KCon 😀 There is no Feast at the PICC this week; we had the last...
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[…] have to admit that since I wrote about my experience with Saeki- sensei’s lotion mask, I was on and…