The Christmas that was

I was blog-hopping today and noticed that only a few of my friends have actually written something for Christmas. I myself wasn’t online until yesterday and was not in the mood for blogging. Sorry naman! 😀

But I have to say, despite everything, this is one of the happiest Christmas celebrations of my life. It was a tough 2009, but the ‘happy’ part managed to squeeze itself in the end.

Christmas eve – Schatz, mommy and his Tito Ralph picked me up from work (yes, I had to work on Christmas eve) and we had a nice, nice dinner at Aristocrat. We originally wanted to dine at Dosanko, that popular ramen house in Manila, but found out that they already moved somewhere so we had no choice but to go to Aristocrat. It was a good choice, though. I loved their crispy pata — I could never say no to crunchy cholesterol! After dinner, mass at Malate Church then home.

Christmas day – Schatz and I attended my family’s yearly reunion at our QC house. I don’t see my relatives often since I moved out of that house, and it’s funny how most of them seem to grow ‘horizontally’ every year! I guess I got lucky in the sense that I got the ‘slim’ genes instead. 😀 Unfortunately, I also got the ‘shorty’ gene, as shown by this pic below:

Our yearly firing squad pic - arranged by height

I am the oldest of this bunch (with sister and cousins), but I am also one of the shortest (4th from right). The space in the middle is for Aya, who is in Dubai and has missed 2 years of Christmas already. Bahala na sya mag-Photoshop ng sarili nya dyan. 😀

Of course, we had to have a 'jump shot'
Ramos family (Schatz and me at extreme right)
With our beautiful matriarch. Aya on webcam! With Schatz, papa, manas and Wengweng
With my pogi Schatz ^_^

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