Last week, our teacher made us write a postcard as a class activity. Just a pretend postcard, addressed to somebody (real or not) living somewhere outside the Philippines. Apparently, the French love to write postcards when they travel. Filipinos rarely do this — why use snail mail when Instagram and Facebook will do? I do have penpals who love getting postcards so as much as possible, I try to send some out when I travel. But the last time I did this was last year, on a visit to Bangkok. I wanted to send some when I went on local trips but it is always difficult to find a post office in the provinces.
So here is my corrected post card:
Mon cher ****,
Je suis aujourd’hui a Camarines Sur.
Je me baigne tous les jours sur cette belle plage.
Demain, je fais du wakeboarding et je monte le Mont-Mayon avec Arol, Cindy et Levi.
Il fait beau!J’adore cette ville tranquille.
Je pense a toi. A samedi prochain.
I am keeping the addressee’s name a secret 😉
I originally put “vous” instead of “toi” in “Je pense a toi”, and I had interchanged tranquille and ville. Some of the other stuff, we have not yet done in class, like “monte”. But I’ve already studied it using Assimil. I am now such a big fan of Assimil and I cannot recommend it enough.
A bientot, j’espere! 🙂