Still my birthday month, so I will take this opportunity to write about myself 🙂 Just in case people are wondering who the blogger behind this site is. Or not 🙂

1. I am never updated on the coolest films to watch: The Fault in our Stars, Transformers 4, Guardians of the Galaxy. The last film I saw was X-Men: Days of Future Past…and I saw it on the very last day. I like some films but I rarely go to watch unless someone invites me or it’s Harry Potter.

2. I am a pack rat and I hoard stuff. I have tons of paper, craft and art supplies, cloth, old books and journals, magazines, even a huge exercise ball that I used for less than 10 times. Sometimes I only buy something because I saw someone buy it, and I don’t want to miss out, you know. It’s weird. I really need to cut back, I know. But I also know that as someone who is crafty and loves to create, I will never stop buying craft stuff!

3. I am a terrible dancer. My sister has always been the good dancer and was always graceful as a kid. I tried to be like her but nope. Maybe my ballet lessons will help!

4. I hate having my pictures taken – my father loved photography and he used to take all these pictures of me and my sisters. I would look uncomfortable and awkward in all my solos. Even now, I would only agree to pictures if I won’t be alone and I am allowed to be goofy. So this means it is very painful for me to get ID pictures.

5. Loud and rowdy parties are not my cup of tea. And I don’t like going to office parties. Especially during Christmas.

6. Not very crazy about sci-fi, sorry. In fact, I fell asleep when I was watching the last Star Wars film. I know that everyone likes sci-fi but it’s just not for me.

7. I rejoiced when Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow separated. I know…so mean. And I will probably get depressed when Benedict Cumberbatch or Fukuyama Masaharu get hitched. So it is obvious that despite my age, I am still a rabid fangirl at heart, although the men I fangirl about are fewer now than before 🙂

8. I can get very annoying during karaoke nights; I hog the mic all the time. Also, most of the songs I sing are in Japanese so I would look smart to my non-Japanese speaking friends. #sorrynotsorry

9. I listen to some of the most uncool artists and songs. Rick Astley and Air Supply migjt make others cringe but not me. Hey, at least I don’t listen to Bieber! :p

10. I can be very judgmental. I am very observant and I can see patterns in people’s behaviour. Most of the time, I am quick to judge. For example, I saw this person wearing a low cut dress that calls attention to her cleavage. But she was also wearing a rosary around her neck. OK, wtf? Oh and just because someone carries a rosary or goes to church regularly doesn’t mean he/she is a good person. Let’s not confuse religion with faith. And while we’re at it, let’s stop using God to fool other people into believing we are good. 

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