2010 Japanese Language Proficiency Test

It will be July in 2 days, and that only means one thing for Nihongo learners: it’s CRAM TIME! 😀 The JLPT application period opens on July 7th (Wednesday). The new levels will be used starting this year –

N1 – The ability to understand Japanese used in a variety of circumstances. Approximately the same level as the old Level 1 test, but designed to measure slightly more advanced abilities. (Can you be more vague than that? 😆 )
N2 – The ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations, and in a variety of circumstances to a certain degree. Approximately the same level as the old Level 2 test.
N3 – The ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to a certain degree. Positioned at a level bridging the old level 2 and Level 3 tests – newly established.
N4 – The ability to understand basic Japanese. Approximately the same level as the old Level 3 test.
N5 – The ability to understand some basic Japanese. Approximately the same level as the old Level 4 test.

I know I should start studying. I didn’t pass last year’s JLPT 1 exam because I didn’t study grammar and my score sheet proved that. The Kanji part was OK, but I guessed a lot of my answers in the grammar section. I was surprised at my listening score…all that late night Jdorama watching didn’t go to waste, after all! 😎

I don’t know how to go about it this year. To be honest, I don’t want to, but I’m doing this for my school — sounds cheesy, but it’s true. I’m doing it for the school and for all the Nihongo teachers who have helped me all these years. I owe a lot to them. Heck, Schatz and I even owe Japinoy.com to them. If not for Nihongo Center, we wouldn’t even be interested in Japan in the first place. We were able to share a lot in the forums, because we have learned so much at the Nihongo Center. 😎

Not 100% confident of this year’s new exam level, but I’ll do my best…and I’ll keep on taking the exam until I pass!  一所懸命頑張ります!

More JLPT 2010 info at Japinoy.com

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  1. Just keep on studying and doing your best. Whatever that “more advanced abilities” mean, just study “more advanced words” — whatever that is. Haha.

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