I’ve been a very good girl this year 😉 So I am making this list just in case many people agree with my previous statement, and decide to be my Santas for 2011. Haha.
- Snorkel set
- Exercise ball/FitBall – not the big one (I already have one). I want the kind we use in barre3 class. Apparently, it is only available via the barre3 website.
- barre3 DVD – also available online
- Roller blades
- Clinique Happy Heart – for some reason, I love this more now than Clinique Happy
- iPod dock
- Unlimited annual membership to barre3 – hey, I can dream, right? ^_^
- Surfing lessons – from basic to intermediate to advanced 😉
- Fukuyama Masaharu concert DVD 10th Anniversary We’re Bros Tour – Magnum Collection 2000