Eat Bulaga’s Bayanihan of the People: A Variety Show with Sense

This is a very insightful blog post about Eat Bulaga. One may think Eat Bulaga is all fun and laughter, but I agree with my friend Jervin that Eat Bulaga is so much more than that. Great post, Jurb!


Eat Bulaga’s Bayanihan of the People: A Variety Show with Sense

What makes Eat Bulaga the undisputed noontime show in the Philippines? It’s the dynamic trio’s wits, ways, and their ability to keep on innovating to keep up with the changing times. This time, they changed from the all-fun variety show into a “bayanihan” type of sharing wealth and fun to others.

Bayanihan is an innate Filipino characteristic where a group helps each other to attain a common goal. A perfect example of Bayanihan, or in English helping hand, is the way we do our outreach programs in times of emergency or tragedy. We saw last year how we helped each other after Ondoy struck our neighborhoods. This and a lot more recent experiences have shown that the bayanihan spirit among Filipinos is still alive.

This is Eat Bulaga’s latest theme in its segment “All for Juan, Juan for All.” This segment not only gives tons of laughter from Tito, Vic and Joey, and their newly-formed trio of Jose, Wally and Paolo. The new trio are embedded into the communities to provide fun, laughter, and prizes and surprises as they walk in the streets of their target barangay/village. Vic Sotto selects from the raffle entries in the home studio on which house the trio will attack and give prizes to, then Jose and the gang will do their thing, giving away cash prizes and gift packs from their major sponsors. This, alongside life’s lessons on how to further their lives are what jose, Wally and Paolo offers to the residents.

Read the full article HERE

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