All this time, I had Nagase Tomoya in line for the ‘Miles Edgeworth auditions’. Gaaaassss, it took me 3 days to realize he is way better as Godot! OK, he is old enough, macho enough and hot enough to be the caffeine-guzzling lawyer. He certainly can act cocky and high-and-mighty so I think he is perfect. ^_^ I hate this Diego pic below, but it was all I could find.
In other PW news (as posted by Dardsie, of course), there are rumours of a live-action Gyakuten Saiban going around and apparently, young actor Hiraoka Yuta is being tapped to play Naruhodou Ryuuichi/Phoenix Wright. Opposite him as Edgeworth/Mitsurugi is *gasp* Okada Yoshinori. Shit.
OK, first, Hiraoka Yuta (left photo, below) — his features are a little too chiseled to be Naruhodou. He needs to pack on some pounds because he is a kinda waifish. But hello, MY version is way hotter! I suppose they can’t sign Tsumabuki up because of Tenchijin, haha!
Now, Okada Yoshinori (right photo) — for those who think he looks familiar, he was Ashiya’s older brother in Hana Kimi. Not sure if I remember him in Nobuta, though. ANYWAY, come on! I am sure there is no lack of good-looking actors in Japan. Can’t they pick another one?? He looks like the younger brother of Namase Katsuhisa, hehehehe.
Thanks! So happy that you share the same opinions regarding Tsumabuki, Shinohara and Nagase ^_^
I happened to stumble upon your blog and I created an account just to reply! lol
I think your castings are dead on! Especially Tsumabuki, Shinohara, and Nagase.
I would truly die a happy girl if Ace Attorney and Nagase Tomoya, my two favorite things, ever collided. XD