All this time, I had Nagase Tomoya in line for the ‘Miles Edgeworth auditions’. Gaaaassss, it took me 3 days to realize he is way better as Godot! OK, he is old enough, macho enough and hot enough to be the caffeine-guzzling lawyer. He certainly can act cocky and high-and-mighty so I think he is perfect. ^_^ I hate this Diego pic below, but it was all I could find.


In other PW news (as posted by Dardsie, of course), there are rumours of a live-action Gyakuten Saiban going around and apparently, young actor Hiraoka Yuta is being tapped to play Naruhodou Ryuuichi/Phoenix Wright. Opposite him as Edgeworth/Mitsurugi is *gasp* Okada Yoshinori. Shit.

OK, first, Hiraoka Yuta (left photo, below)  — his features are a little too chiseled to be Naruhodou. He needs to pack on some pounds because he is a kinda waifish. But hello, MY version is way hotter! I suppose they can’t sign Tsumabuki up because of Tenchijin, haha!

Now, Okada Yoshinori (right photo) — for those who think he looks familiar, he was Ashiya’s older brother in Hana Kimi. Not sure if I remember him in Nobuta, though. ANYWAY, come on! I am sure there is no lack of good-looking actors in Japan. Can’t they pick another one?? He looks like the younger brother of Namase Katsuhisa, hehehehe.


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  1. I happened to stumble upon your blog and I created an account just to reply! lol

    I think your castings are dead on! Especially Tsumabuki, Shinohara, and Nagase.

    I would truly die a happy girl if Ace Attorney and Nagase Tomoya, my two favorite things, ever collided. XD

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