TIME: Yoko Ono Is Following You (and 692,318 Other People)

I still haven’t deleted the email notification that read “Yoko Ono has requested to follow you on Twitter!” I am going to print it out and make a scrapbook page out of it, haha. 😀

Yoko Ono is more interested in the lives of strangers than you are.

In fact, you might be able to make the argument that she’s more interested in the lives of strangers than anyone else, as she’s currently following 692,318 people on Twitter (as I type these words), more than any other account on the social media service. The next most friendly Twitterer? U.S. President Barack Obama.

According to the All Twitter blog, Ono became Twitter’s biggest follower at some point during the last six months, overtaking Obama—who apparently unfollowed more than 10,000 accounts—and taking the top spot of a list that includes Britney Spears, Whole Foods and the generically-named “UK Prime Minister” account.

The “Top 10 Twitter Accounts” sorted by “Following Other Accounts” list:

1. Yoko Ono (@YokoOno)
2. Barack Obama (@BarackObama)
3. HootSuite (@HootSuite)
4. Threadless (@threadless)
5. Whole Foods Market (@WholeFoods)
6. UK Prime Minister (@Number10gov)
7. Britney Spears (@britneyspears)
8. Lonely Planet (@lonelyplanet)
9. Zappos (@zappos)
10. Jean-Sébastien J. (@Wakooz_RSS)

I’m currently following less than 300 people. Either I’m doing Twitter all wrong, or if I want to play in the big league, I need to start taking “Follow Friday” more seriously.

By Graeme McMillan, TIME Magazine, September 13, 2011

Reposted from ImaginePeace.com

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